Sunrise 0734 / Sunset 1625
On Ice: 1530 – 1845
Temps -0.4 – -1.65 F / Winds light & variable to start – ENE 15 mph started at 1800
Relative Pressure 29.85 inHg – Falling
Water Clarity 10 feet. 7 inches, healthy ice
Focused on the walleye evening bite. Jigged in 30 feet of water. 2 very small walleye on a white 1.8” Z-viber and one small walleye on a wonderbread spoon. No action on two different colors of jigging raps. Crappie in 30 feet of water suspended at 15-20 foot and were consistently in and out of the area. I did not try to feed them. A couple northerns cruising through the area. I had dead bait (6” herring) on a tip up on bottom and another on a jaw jacker set 10’ below the surface. No action.