Sunrise 0736 / Sunset 1631
On Ice: 1300 – 1700
Temps 30.7 – 28.4 F / Non- existent
Relative Pressure 29.93inHg – flat
Water Clarity murky but still over 5 feet. 11 inches of ice
I was really set on catching another BIG northern after going about 1 for 5 yesterday. Set up quickly with 5 deadsticks hanging 6” herring about 8 feet below the ice in water depths ranging from 10 feet to 35 feet. They were active yet again. Consistently cruising through my Garmin Panoptix. I think it’s because of such flat barometric pressures for the last few days. Has them happy and eating. I was not successful in my 4 hour set. None of the Clam Arctic Warriors or Jaw Jackers tripped. I did have one blow up my bait in the hut, witnessed it all on the Panoptix, but never got a mouthful. Fun to watch the aggressive fish, circle, circle, bump, circle, circle charge. So close……. Snowing hard all afternoon and into the evening, but gorgeous outside with decent temperatures and not a breath of wind.