Sunrise 0736 / Sunset 1629
On Ice: 0645 – 1630
Temps 25.1 – 29.8 F / West winds light & variable
Relative Pressure 29.68 – 29.71 inHg – flat / slow rise
Water Clarity 10 feet. 10 inches of ice
Breakfast at R Place and on the water before daybreak. Set up in 25’ of water and caught a couple walleye right away on a 1.5” white dinner bell by Frostbite Fishing. The larger walleye bite window seemed short-lived, but the crappie fishing sustained well into mid-morning. Late morning to early afternoon slowed way down for everything. We did venture into some 15’ water after a school crappie. Landed several more crappie and pulled 3 or 4 smaller walleye off the bottom. Shallowest we’d found consistent walleye thus far this ice season. Crappie shifted back to the deeper water later afternoon and we jigged for walleye with no success while landing more crappie before packing up just before “prime time.” Deadsticks in various depths with herring and herring chunks saw no action all day for northerns. Had to make New Year’s Eve Dinner.