Sunrise 0735 / Sunset 1626
On Ice: 0930 – 1740
Temps 16.2 – 33.0 F / W winds 5-10 MPH
Relative Pressure 29.88 inHg – Slow trend down
Water Clarity 8 feet. 14 inches of ice
Set up in unexplored area around Rocky Point for a northern bite. Huge misfire. No pike all day. Tip-ups and Arctic warriors set up in 6 feet of water to 20 feet with bait throughout water column. SKUNKED. Minnows on bottom. SKUNKED. Jigging rods in the icehouse had little action as well. Set up in a trough of 25 feet surrounded by shallower water. Perch (believed to be) on bottom very finicky after lunchtime. A few fish cruising the bottom had no interest until about 1700. Finally started moving walleye on Origami Spoons, Frostbite Dinner Bells, and Frostbite Sidekicks. All smaller walleye. I don’t think we’ll be back to this spot with any urgency. Better luck next time.